Creative Action against Discrimination


Artemisszió Foundation (Hungary)

Artemisszió Foundation is a Hungarian independent NGO, founded in 1998. Its mission is to encourage continuous dialogue and interaction between groups who are marked by cultural, ethnical and social differences and to foster their mutual understanding. We are supporting the social integration of socially and culturally disadvantaged groups through developing and conducting intercultural training courses, educational materials and methods, integration projects and mobility projects for youth. Artemisszió has several accredited trainings for teachers and social workers. Besides the professionals of the social sector, we also provide intercultural training opportunities for youth workers, teachers and health workers, etc. During the trainings, we use methods to develop self-awareness and to foster creativity and cooperation, artistic methods are also used. One of them is the Forum Theatre methodology, which was adapted for different target groups (e.g. Roma people, socially disadvantaged teenagers, women with economic and geographical obstacles), offering an opportunity to enhance self-awareness, communication and conflict management skills.

Artemisszió also has a mentor program for adults and school children fostering their self-development and social inclusion. MIRA community offers a safe place of encounter between third country nationals and Hungarians interested in intercultural experiences. We also have strong connections with several schools and high schools and we take part in a number of international collaborations related to social sensitization and social inclusion.

Giolli Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)

Giolli Cooperativa Sociale, born as association and became cooperative in 2008, is  active in different fields, with different target groups most youngsters or marginalized groups, using Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.) in national and international meetings and projects, as main method to explore the daily life and social problems, with the aim to facilitate change process in the frame of Paulo Freire’s pedagogy (“conscientization”), of Community Development Approach, of Specific and active No-Violence. Giolli provides interventions to inform people about T.O., course for operators in social services and projects in different fields (anti-racism, drug-addiction, social disease, psychiatry, education, prevention, etc.) that can involve people of all ages and conditions: students, teachers, parents in school, migrant, social workers, drug-addicts, homeless people, prisoners, people with disability, psychiatric patients. Giolli produces performances about different issues by using mainly the interactive technique of Forum-Theatre, attends Festival and Conferences and collaborates with similar bodies in Italy and abroad.

Giolli carries out several projects to prevent discrimination, in particular discrimination against migrants, communities of foreign nationals and LGBT communities. Giolli does this with participative and creative actions as theater is, that’s why it participates in the CAaD project: to share its theatrical experience and improve other creative actiones!

tel. 0039+0521 687142

Kulturhaus Brotfabrik (Austria)

Kulturhaus Brotfabrik is located at the culture hub Brotfabrik Wien, a former bread factory in Vienna’s 10th district Favoriten. Placed in the midst of art studios and galleries, Kulturhaus Brotfabrik aims at forming a bridge between these institutions and the direct neighbourhood which is characterized by its diverse population, but also by its lack of infrastructure and social disadvantage.

Kulturhaus Brotfabrik provides open space of encounter with the means of art. It consists of various initiatives: Music and dance, exhibitions, workshops, a cafeteria, community cooking or free tutoring for children. The house and many of its initiatives are run by “Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien”, a non-profit organization with the objective of relieving the distress of people effectively and providing social services. The organization is operating a wide range of activities: e.g. retirement care, facilities for the handicapped, social assistance, houseless aid, foreign aid, refugee and migrant relief. Since 2007 Caritas Wien also sets up Community Arts projects as means of strengthening communal urban living in its diversity. Diversity often comes with insecurity which is why raising awareness about discrimination and acting against it is core element of our work

SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa (Spain)

SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa is a grass root, non-profit, antiracist, democratic, multiethnic and internationalist organization, in which everyone has the same rights and obligations. It was founded in 1993 with the aim of fighting all forms of discrimination and segregation based on skin color, ethnicity or cultural background. Whether this discrimination is on an individual, group or institutional level we demand tolerance, respect and understanding with equal rights for all. We see cultural diversity in a positive light and defend the freedom of expression of each individual or group in our society. We strongly support all types of cultural exchanges and practices, which promote contact between local people, immigrants and minority groups in order to fight sterotypes, racism and discrimination.

We belong to the SOS Racism Federation in Spain, hold its Secretariat and since 2010 compiles and publishes its Annual Report on Racism in Spain. We are part of different international networks as PICUM, MIGREUROP, UNITED for Intercultural Action and European Network XenoClipse.

+34 943321811